Counter-Strike Basic Clan Tips
Posted in Basic, Clan, Counter-Strike, Tips
Basic Clan Tips
We would like to stress the importance of the following in a clan:
- Communication
- Co-operation
- Leadership (Only For Team Leaders, or anybody hoping to wipe out their team leader hehe)
In Counter-Strike, communication is as important as any real world communication medium. Without proper communication, you will be thinking 'What the hell is he doing?' or your clan mates will think 'Where the hell is he? He's not in position'. When these kind of thoughts start festering in your mind, the mental part of the game can become interrupted, meaning you can't concentrate, and may start to think negative rather than postive ('I can't win if he's not there') which will have a detrimental effect on your team and could ruin your game.
So everytime your leader gives an order, try to reply "Roger" and this will boost confidence. When in position, reply "I'm in position", so that everyone is prepared for a fight with no fear because you know that cover is nearby. Never forget "enemy down" whenever your foe is dead, in order to inform team mates that your task is half completed. Add a "sector clear" if you are sure the place you guard is damn clear.
Not used to it? Try to play with PoD Bots and you will see how they use communication so well. So, Keep Talking!! (But, Never Talk Crap!)
There are some clans that I've seen that have bad co-operation, which no doubt results in their downfall. The team leader says "cover the bridge" but all the players want high frags so they rush like madmen with a gun in their hands. A group of well-organised enemies pop up somewhere along they way, meaning they won't, and don't get very far. Panic? RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! But before you can get cover, you're dead.....too late to co-operate now.
In Counter-Strike clan matches, if you do things your own way, you'd be as well committing suicide, because you won't get very far. If you want to win, always, yes Any team orientated event/game requires co-operation, so why not do it.
In Counter-Strike clan matches, if you do things your own way, you'd be as well committing suicide, because you won't get very far. If you want to win, always, yes Any team orientated event/game requires co-operation, so why not do it.
There's a chinese proverb; 'Co-operation is STRENGTH'. This stresses the importance of co-operation. Very often you here people sigh "They are damn damn good, how the hell are we suppose to beat them?" Really? Think Again!! If your clan co-operates, it increases the chance of winning.
Every clan has a clan leader (if you could actually call him that). His job is give out orders to the team and be in charge of the whole performance of clan, recruiting and so on. But it isn't as easy as you think. These days, team leaders are being let down. You'll often hear people whining to their team leader: 'You play like s***, why should I listen to you?' Here are a few ways to prevent that:
Apparently, the most difficult problem in order to get this strategy working is not time, money, or manpower, but the willingness of your teamates to listen. This might be easily achieved if the people you're playing with are clanmates or close friends, but random players are either there for simple Death Match, or are just plain ole' sonsabitches. First, assert yourself as leader....if you have a few players that recognize your self imposed authority, then you have accomplished your first goal and main objective. If successful, you now have something counter-strike was made for, teamplay.
Currently, your small band of loyal warriors are not afraid of dying, with exception to the true elite nerds out there. Psychologically, teamplay is very interesting and most people are willing to be a part of something. Strategy is the most important part, before you assume leadership, you should be VERY good with strategies and tactics. People do not follow losers, thats historically accurate. Make sure you know the map very well too, along with the following:
- Guns
- Where the enemy is concentrating resources
- How to deal with the enemy
- Where to send your teamates
- What to send your teamates as (i.e. Sniper, CQCombatant, Rusher)